Thursday, July 20, 2017

Four Poems at Music Camp

I'm still unpacking from Richard Thompson's Frets and Refrains music camp, which would be an extraordinary experience even if I weren't an insufferable Thompson fan from way back.

There are a couple of nights of open mic in the camp's roadhouse, and this year I was able to do a little poetry reading there, and my fellow camper Rick Innis was kind enough to record it. I was reading off my phone--a little weird, but it's nice to pretend to be a millennial once in a while.

I followed a performance by the Scandinavian metal trio A Norse With No Name, a Thompson tribute called "Nordic Black Viking 852." I make brief reference to my opening act in my remarks.

I think the video can be seen here; I'll come back and tinker with things if it's not viewable.

Friday, July 7, 2017


I've got a book of poems coming out in summer 2018.

The title is The Unbeckonable Bird.

The publisher is FutureCycle Press.

I'm very excited. As I write this, I'm trying to put together some promo postcards. Maybe you found one. Now I envision myself stuffing my snippets of poems into bottles to cast into the wild sea--although you'd be more likely to find my essence in Diet Dr Pepper cans.

I hope you'll come back here for more info as it becomes available.

EDITED TO DELETE LINK--revamping mailing list 1 May 2018 PMW