Monday, September 24, 2018

Procrastination, Myshkin, and a reading this week in Virginia

Well then.

I thought I was more up to date than this. I mean, the book is out, and aside from a few production hiccups, it's been an easy and beautiful experience.

The best place to buy it right now is from the publisher, the awesome FutureCycle Press. You can also get it from Amazon.

Wait--the best place might actually be to get it from me at a reading. I'll sign it (or refrain from signing it, whichever thrills you more). My reading schedule is limited to DC/MD/VA right now, save for one reading in faraway Knoxville that should be a lot of fun.

For a better chance at updates, please join my mailing list by emailing me at

I'm sorry I've left you all for so long.


Sometimes I think that the number of ways we can connect in this staticky world mean more confusion, rather than less. Thus, it was only just now that I saw a Messenger message from an old musical love,

I named Myshkin's Ruby Warblers' Rosebud Bullets to my top 10 lists back when it came out, when I was still writing about music. A whole lot has happened to me since then, and some things got lost in the journey. This summer, I ran across Myshkin's name on Facebook, sent her a friend request, got an "accepted" message from Facebook, and only just now noticed that there was a message from Myshkin herself along with it.

She'd written to tell me about two projects. One is a book by her wife, the herbalist Jenny Q, that's really a collaborative effort (as are so many things). Held Together explores Jenny's illness and recovery in the context of her loving creative community in Joshua Tree. The other is Myshkin's newest album, Trust and the High Wire, which covers much of the same emotional and thematic territory. (Bear in mind that I'm extrapolating from press here--I haven't read/seen/heard all of this, only bright shards.)

I hope you'll explore the work of Myshkin and Jenny Q, as I will do. And I hope to use this space to share more of the art that has enriched my life. Artists like Myshkin shouldn't fall through the cracks.

Here's a show from around the time I fell in love with Myshkin's Ruby Warblers. This one's in Oregon, but I saw them at the late lamented IOTA Club and Cafe in Arlington, VA.


Come see me at the Martha Washington Library in Alexandria later this week! (This is the only link I can find; I'll update if/when I get more info.)

It's Michael Gushue, Cort Bledsoe, and me, "Building to Crescendo" (that's a daunting event title if I ever heard one). Michael and Cort are fantastic writers and people, and I'm honored to share their stage.

Thursday, Sept. 27
7 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Martha Washington Library

6614 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria, VA 22307

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